Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mile Marker #4

Hello Friends!   

We have reached Mile Marker #4.  In honor of the Twice as Strong Together 5K Fundraiser this Saturday, March 21st, the scripture for this posting is our verse we have been claiming throughout this entire journey.  

"And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith."  Hebrews 12:1-2

First and foremost, let's talk about the race THIS Saturday.  We are absolutely BLOWN AWAY that we have almost 500 participants registered to date.  Please know it's not too late if you would like to participate!  You are even able to come the day of and register on site if you prefer to avoid the internet option.  Here is the link that you can register for the race:  

Whether you are a runner, walker or a bystander, please come join in the fun!  All are welcome!  To say we are really looking forward to an incredibly memorable day seems like such an understatement!  THANK YOU to all who have committed to being part of this race to support John

Next, an update on how John is doing medically.  Since the last post, results have been received from the Greek Test and the PET scan.  Here is a refresher on the Greek Test.  The Get Well Center sent John's blood work to Greece to be tested against 46 different types of options of treatment to see which would be most effective for him.  This test surfaced 2 good low dose chemo options; the 1st option is Treosulfan at 82% effectiveness and the other being ITP (Insulin Potentiation Therapy) at 60% effectiveness.  The Treosulfan (82% effective) they have received from Canada and are in process of breaking it down into a 10% dosage pill format, as this treatment is not available in the U.S.  The IPT (60% effective) they do offer in the U.S.; therefore, they began treatment via IV at a 10% dosage on Monday, March 9th.  The plan is to administer these 2 low dose chemo options every Monday & Thursday.

In addition to the low dose chemo options, they are also administering 2 different types of treatment that ultimately trick the immune system to wake up and FIGHT.  These are IL-2 (Interleukin 2) administered via IV and Interferon Alpha-2B administered via a shot.  Yep, IL-2 sounds familiar from our former post right?  If you remember back, this was the main option that the James Cancer Center in Columbus was promoting.  However, in this case they will be giving John a 10% dosage of it versus the 100% dosage.

So what all else is John doing 5 days a week during this intense 2 months of treatment?  Here are all the alternative protocols they are layering in with the options above:  
1. High dose Vitamin C IV therapy daily
2. Oxygen therapy every other day
3. Lymphatic Therapy Light Beam Generator with Ozone once a week
4. Mild Silver Protein 1200 IV was administered and is now completed for viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infection
5. Detoxification: ion cleanse, liver cleanse, colon cleanse, infrared sauna, coffee enema and chelation 
6. Hyperthermia: far infrared sauna with ozone twice a week
7. Exercise 
8. Nutrition: organic cancer diet and nutrition IV once a week

WOW!  Lots of things happening for sure!  Ultimately, they are combining conventional therapy with alternative therapy to help give John his best fighting chance.  Unfortunately, because all of these treatments are different dosages administered than at conventional hospitals, if even offered in the U.S., insurance will not cover the costs associated with any of it.  On some days, this can be incredibly discouraging when looking at how quickly things are adding up.  However, we continue to come back and rest in peace knowing that John is exactly where God wants him to be at this point in time.  This is such a peace that passes all understanding to be able to rest in assurance of being obedient to God's direction.

Now for the PET scan results... the scan revealed that there was cancer in John's liver, left 8th rib and the left armpit area.  Most of this we were aware of with the exception of activity in the left 8th rib and the left armpit.  Interestingly, the left shoulder/arm area is where John originally had 2 surgeries over the past handful of years to remove the melanoma.  Surprisingly nothing showed up in the adrenal gland area this time around which had showed in a previous CAT scan.

Some other things have popped up since the last post.  Never a dull moment!  When John was having surgery to have his port put in, the surgeon first tried to put the port in on the left side.  Due to John's involuntary muscle twitch while under anesthesia, his left lung was punctured.  As a result, the port was put in on the right side and John was sent home with a chest tube and orders to lay low over the weekend.  During that time several x-rays (2 a day) were taken to monitor the healing of the lung.  For those of you who have ever had chest tubes in, they are very uncomfortable!  Praise God that the lung was healed and chest tube was removed that following Tuesday evening, 4 days later.   

Another concern that just popped up this week.  John was experiencing rib pain on the right side of his body, the opposite side of where the cancer is on his left rib.  After having an x-ray, John found out on 3/18 that he has 3 fractured ribs, which he has no idea how or when that happened.  Please pray for the pain to subside and for healing of his ribs also!

That is the medical update for now.  We plan to share more as they continue to monitor progress to see how John is responding to the treatment mentioned above.  Please pray for complete healing of John's body and for the treatment to be effective!

As a friendly reminder, below are the various ways to make a donation to help with the piling expenses of John's medical treatment.  All of these options funnel into one Health Bank Account that John will use to pay for medical bills.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all who have donated already and for those who are considering helping!  It has been such a beautiful picture to see so many people having such BIG HEARTS toward our family and helping out in such an impactful way!  God Bless each and every one of you!

1. Donation Box at the Race:  Donations can be made on race day at the Mechanics Bank table.

2. P.O. Box: Send a check to John or Jill Gurney at P.O. Box 41, Shelby, OH 44875.
3. Mechanics Bank: Visit any of the 8 locations and make a deposit into the Gurney Health Account.
4. YouCaring: Pay online via paypal, credit or debit. A 2.9% and $.30 fee will be applied by either paypal or the credit/debit card company.

Again, thank you for your continued love, encouragement & prayers!  It is very much appreciated!  We hope to see you all at the race!

With Much Love,
The Gooney Gurneys